Celebrating 10 years of API Rainbow Parents!

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API Rainbow Parents turns 10 in 2022. Contribute to help create programs to reflect and celebrate!


raised by 40 people

$5,000 goal

API Rainbow Parents is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2022!

Launched in 2012, API Rainbow Parents of PFLAG NYC provides support in a safe environment for API LGBTQ+ people and families through monthly support meetings and safe gathering space and foster intergenerational conversations.  What’s unique about API Rainbow Parents is that we address the culture-specific needs of Asian American, Pacific Islander, East Asian, and South Asian people and we position ourselves as a bridge between the API LGBTQ community and API immigrant communities to foster understanding of each other across generations and to help overcome cultural and language barriers. We strive to expand the ally base within API communities.

It was exciting to see the impact and increased visibility of parents and LGBTQ+ individuals and the past 10 years.  However, there is still more work to be done to increase allyship in our family, workplace, neighborhood, faith space, and broad API immigrant community.  As part of our 10th year anniversary celebration, we are planning a day-long API LGBTQ+ & Allies Conference in the later part of 2022.  We will provide education, learning, and networking opportunities for AAPI LGBTQ+ people and their families as well as allies in the AAPI immigrant community.  The conference will help create a platform that fosters intergenerational conversation, learn our history, and develop vision for the next 10 years to combat inequality and hate against AAPI LGBTQ+ people.

Would you help us raise $5,000 to plan and implement this day-long API LGBTQ+ & Allies Conference?

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