Noah's Giving Tuesday Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

San Diego Pride
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Join me in creating safe spaces for LGBTQ around the world by giving to San Diego Pride!


raised by 24 people

$750 goal

As many of you know, I grew up in an extremely conservative, religious environment. What many do not know was my internal battle. Wrestling with "same-sex attraction" while being told I would shame my family and be damned for eternity if I succumbed to these feelings, I put my self through counseling, conversion therapy, and buried myself in environments all in attempts to hide who I was inside. Rather than changing, this pressure to conform filled me with depression, frustration, and even suicidal thoughts as I couldn't get "victory" over this and had no joy inside. After years of feeling trapped in these circles, I decided I needed to try something else. In 2012 I moved to San Diego to get as far away from my "trappings and belongings" as I could, and I started my journey of self-exploration. With each step I took, the burdens and anxiety started to peel away. In 2014, I decided to attend San Diego Pride, my first ever Pride Festival. I remember being filled with a nervousness of being seen. But as the day went on, what I feared the most actually brought me the most joy. I was finally seen. For the first time, I was seen, celebrated, and loved simply for who I was. For the first time, I felt like I was enough. San Diego Pride was a safe space filled with happiness. This short, beautiful weekend propelled me on my journey more than I realized at the time. Today, I see that it's more than a parade—it's an organization dedicated to year-round safe spaces and celebration of our authentic selves.

My queerness rescued me from a cult-like religious that taught me to hate myself and others who didn't believe as I did, and it pushed me into a community that celebrates people just as they are with a love that doesn't have caveats. That which I had fought so hard ended up being my savior. And San Diego Pride helped me see that. Now, 11 years after I moved to San Diego, I have the privilege of serving as a co-chair of this organization, with the goal of paying this love forward. 

In a world with countless causes, it can be overwhelming to choose where to give, but I hope you will consider San Diego Pride.  Pride strives to be a beacon of openness and hope not only for our local community, but to LGBTQ communities around the world. I invite you to learn more, attend events, ask questions, and understand where your money goes. They operate with a high level of accountability because they're driven by their mission: a world free from prejudice and bias. 

Your donation can positively impact the lives of LGBTQ+ people. Giving is an investment in others and leaves a lasting legacy!

This fundraiser supports

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San Diego Pride

Organized By Noah Lomax

Giving Activity


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