Pride 2023: Support LGBTQ Youth 🌈

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

OkaySo - Expert Support For Teens & Queer Youth

Throughout the month we're raising funds for OkaySo's work with LGBTQ youth. Come join us!


raised by 18 people

$2,000 goal

Help Support LGBTQ Youth This Pride

OkaySo uses a free app for iOS and Android that connects young people with questions about sexuality, relationships, sexual health, identity, self-care and more to experts they can trust for quick, personalized support and answers to life's most difficult questions. 

OkaySo ensures they're there for LGBTQ young people: wherever and whenever they need it. 

And remember, during Pride month, for every $10 or more donation, OkaySo is that much closer to winning an additional $2500, $5000, or TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! Every bit really does help. 

Why does this matter right now?

The number of anti-LGBTQ legislative bills filed nationwide (many of which focus on limiting LGBTQ youth health access and education) soared from 41 bills in 2018 to over 451 bills in 2023.

The 2023 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health recently found that: 

  • 60% of LGBTQ youth who wanted mental health support in the past year were unable to get it
  • 45% of LGBTQ young people considered attempting suicide in the past year

This Pride Month, will you help make sure OkaySo continues the vital work of supporting queer youth when they need it most?

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