ZAMI NOBLA North Carolina State Chapter

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Help ZAMI NOBLA replenish our Black Lesbian Elder Emergency Fund


raised by 133 people

$10,000 goal

 The goal of ZAMI NOBLA is not just to survive but to thrive. That's why we need your help.

Every dollar counts. Your gift is an invitation for you—members, allies, community members, friends, and families—to invest in a future where older Black lesbians can live in a world that respects, supports, and celebrates us.

 GiveOUT Day, we invite you to join the NC State Chapter in making a difference by donating to ZAMI NOBLA (National Organization of Black Lesbians on Aging)

Give OUT Day is May 30th, but we are accepting donations throughout the month of May. ZAMI NOBLA can earn thousands in additional prize money if we get the most donors. The competition is stiff!  Please donate to help with this meaningful and necessary work.

Your support is crucial to sustaining and enhancing ZAMI NOBLA’s justice work. Please make your generous contribution today. Donations start at $10.00.

Giving Activity


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