$10 for my 10 Years with Somos Familia!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Somos Familia
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Join me in supporting Somos Familia to celebrate Pride Month!


raised by 7 people

$1,600 goal

SOMOS FAMILIA TURNS Sweet 16! Can you believe it?

Will you help me reach my goal of raising $1,600 to celebrate the last 16 years of work in our community and the next 16 years of supporting families with LGBTQ+ loved ones?

It seems like just yesterday we were planning a 10 year anniversary bash and opening up our very first permanent office space. These milestones marked growth and progress that translated into more families and community members served by our work. Work that is really about unconditional love, belonging, pride, and acceptance.

Will you help me mark this milestone by contributing $10 or more to Somos Familia?

Since the pandemic began in 2020, we have had some gains - reaching QT folks and families around the globe through virtual programming - and some losses - shutting down office space. Through it all we have been here working to create a just world that embraces people of all genders and sexual orientations - starting with ourselves, our families, and our community. Join us by donating in celebration of pride month!

Thank you!

This fundraiser supports

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Somos Familia

Organized By Maritza Martinez

Giving Activity


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